Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Road trip, a few bumps in the road :0)

So I'm back from my road trip and there where a few bumps in the road here they all are in pictures......
We got into camp around 1 am so we left the car lights on the campsite so we could see to put up our tent.........the next morning the cars battery was dead so we had to push it out for someone to jump us.... not easy thing to do when your on a we finally got someone to jump our car by then we were very hungry we started to get breakfast ready only to have our BRAN NEW OUT OF THE BOX!! cooking stove not work......

luckily there was a town nearby and we drove out there to get a new back to camp and got coals burning in our new stove, started to cook the eggs only to realize that we forgot a we had to use a fork..... scrambled was the order of the day
Our tiny blue tent was well...... tiny and when it came to getting dressed or moving around it was a struggle so we went and bought a bigger tent......that evening it started raining and it kept raining into the next day, we woke up to our bran new tent leaking....... we had to go to the store to get some tent sealer stuff
We had a few rough moments but in the end its something to look back on and laugh